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The environment is deteriorating, and all countries are developing clean energy. And with national economic growth, the energy increasingly prominent contradiction between supply and demand in China, the country's electricity supply began to appear the situation of serious shortage, energy conservation becomes the urgent problem. Therefore, it is...

Cities around the world are already experimenting with intelligent LED street lighting systems that can be remotely controlled, not only can the cost of electricity be reduced, but it can also realize demand-driven lighting and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The current design goes even further: experts see connected lights as the nodes of smart...

Recently, the price of LED high bay light has been stable for two years and the trend of small increase is over, the first price reduction in two years. It is understood that the mainstream lamps of TEK all have different range of adjustment, individual varieties decline even up to 20%.

In November, TEK inspected the company's installed LED tunnel lamps. In the tunnel, the degree of illumination of each paragraph is high and evenness, and there is no obvious occulting interval. There aren't dead lights in the 43,582 meter tunnel. It has been more than a year since the official opening in September 2016. Good tunnel lighting has...

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