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Indoor lighting is rarely used alone lighting, usually put light source used in lamps and lanterns, light source on the lamps and lanterns, the light output of lamps and lanterns is lower than single light source, the ratio of the two is called luminaire efficiency. High efficiency of lamps and lanterns show that LED high bay light has...

With high pressure sodium light as the mainstream traditional street lights, due to high energy consumption and long life, the road lighting electricity consumption high, about 38% of social lighting electricity consumption, road lighting become the largest lighting field in electricity consumption. The LED street light is different from the...

LED street light is different from conventional street lamps, LED light source adopts low voltage dc power supply, by GaN base power type blue LEDs and yellow synthetic efficiency white light, with high efficiency, safety, energy saving, environmental protection, long life, fast response speed, high color rendering index unique advantages, can be...

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